Backbone is a warm formula intended to treat patients who present with kidney yang deficiency. General signs, other than those indicated above, include cold limbs, fatigue, pale face color, a pale tongue, a deep, weak, slow pulse, spiritual lassitude, and weakness and pain in the low back or knees. The formula is especially effective in treating low back pain and urogenital/sexual dysfunctions that are commonly part of kidney deficiency patterns. While addressing the primary pattern of yang deficiency, Backbone also includes agents to dispel cold and damp and to move blood in order to eliminate stagnation in the low back, thus making the formula effective for chronic problems. Eucommia (du zhong), woodwardia (gou ji), acanthopanax (wu jia pi), dipsacus (xu duan), and tortoise shell (from Chinemys reevesii) (gui ban), strengthen bones, muscles and sinews. Cyathula (chuan niu xi), tang kuei tails (dang gui wei), carthamus (hong hua), and myrrh (mo yao) invigorate blood circulation and eliminate pain. Psoralea (bu gu zhi), cuscuta (tu si zi), cistanche salsa (rou cong rong) and cornus (shan zhu yu) strengthen the kidney. Rehmannia (shu di huang) nourishes the blood.
Eucommia bark (du zhong), Psoralea fruit (bu gu zhi), Woodwardia orientalis rhizome (gou ji), Cuscuta seed (tu si zi), Cistanche salsa herb (rou cong rong), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Tortoise shell (from Chinemys reevesii) (gui ban), Cyathula root (chuan niu xi), Acanthopanax cortex (wu jia pi), Tang Kuei tails root (dang gui wei), Dipsacus root (xu duan), Carthamus flower (hong hua), Myrrh resin (mo yao), Cornus fruit (shan zhu yu)