Crab Apple - Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies SKU: CRABA


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Crab Apple is one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the early 20th century. These remedies are based on the belief that emotional and mental states can influence physical health and overall well-being. Crab Apple, in particular, is associated with addressing feelings of impurity, self-disgust, and a strong need for cleanliness or orderliness.

Key Points About Crab Apple:

  1. Emotional State: Crab Apple is typically recommended for individuals who have a strong aversion to impurity and a heightened sense of cleanliness. They may be overly critical of themselves and feel a sense of self-disgust.

  2. Nature of Concerns: People in need of Crab Apple may be preoccupied with minor imperfections, both physical and mental. They may feel tainted or "dirty" in some way and desire purity and perfection.

  3. Manifestations: The emotional state addressed by Crab Apple can lead to obsessions with cleanliness, hygiene, or orderliness. Individuals may engage in excessive cleaning, grooming, or organizing behaviors.

  4. Benefits: Crab Apple is believed to help individuals let go of their preoccupation with cleanliness and imperfections. It can promote self-acceptance, tolerance, and a more balanced perspective on personal imperfections.

  5. Negative Emotions Addressed: Self-disgust, obsession with cleanliness or imperfections, perfectionism, and a strong aversion to impurity.

  6. Positive Qualities Promoted: Self-acceptance, tolerance, a sense of purity from within, and the ability to see the bigger picture beyond minor imperfections.

  7. Method of Use: Bach Flower Remedies like Crab Apple are typically taken orally, with a few drops added to a glass of water or taken directly under the tongue. They can also be added to creams, lotions, or used in a bath.

  8. Personalized Remedy: Bach Flower Remedies are chosen based on an individual's emotional state, rather than a specific physical condition. A trained Bach Flower practitioner or therapist can help determine the most appropriate remedy or combination of remedies for a person's emotional needs.

  9. Safety: Bach Flower Remedies are considered safe and do not have known side effects. They are not meant to replace conventional medical treatment for physical or mental health conditions but can complement other forms of care.

Crab Apple is recommended for those who struggle with obsessive cleanliness or self-disgust. If you have severe or persistent mental health concerns, it's important to consult with a mental health professional for proper evaluation and treatment. Bach Flower Remedies can be used as part of a holistic approach to emotional well-being.