Rescue Sleep 20 Milliliters - Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies SKU: NELBF01449


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Rescue Sleep 20 Milliliters is a Bach Flower Remedy product designed to help promote restful sleep and alleviate nighttime restlessness and anxiety. It is an extension of the Rescue Remedy line of products by Bach Flower Remedies and is specifically formulated to address sleep-related issues. Here are some key details about Rescue Sleep 20 Milliliters:

  1. Ingredients: Rescue Sleep 20 Milliliters contains a blend of Bach Flower Remedies, including White Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Cherry Plum, and Rock Rose. These flower essences are chosen for their potential to ease sleep-related concerns and promote relaxation.

  2. Larger Size: Similar to the standard Rescue Remedy, Rescue Sleep 20 Milliliters comes in a larger 20-milliliter bottle, offering more product than the standard 10-milliliter version. This larger size can be convenient for those who use it regularly.

  3. Usage: To use Rescue Sleep, you can take four drops directly on the tongue, add four drops to a glass of water, or put four drops in a water bottle and sip throughout the evening. It can also be applied externally, such as rubbing a few drops on the temples or wrists.

  4. Sleep Support: This product is formulated to provide emotional support for those experiencing sleep difficulties, including racing thoughts, restlessness, anxiety, and stress that may interfere with falling asleep or staying asleep.

  5. Non-Habit Forming: Rescue Sleep is a natural and non-habit-forming remedy, making it suitable for those who prefer natural solutions for sleep challenges without the risk of dependency.

  6. Safe for All Ages: Bach Flower Remedies are generally considered safe for use by people of all ages, including children and the elderly. They are also safe to use alongside other medications or supplements.

  7. Professional Guidance: While Bach Flower Remedies are available for self-selection and use, individuals seeking personalized recommendations for their specific sleep concerns may benefit from consulting with a Bach Flower Practitioner or healthcare professional experienced in flower essence therapy.

Rescue Sleep 20 Milliliters offers a larger supply of this natural sleep aid for individuals seeking a non-pharmaceutical solution to improve the quality of their sleep and reduce nighttime anxiety. It's a convenient option for those who use this product regularly to support restful sleep.

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