Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts - Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies SKU: NELBF01528


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Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts are a product from Bach Flower Remedies designed to provide natural relief for sleep-related issues and nighttime stress and anxiety. These liquid melts are a convenient and easy-to-use form of Bach's Rescue Sleep formula. Here are some key details about Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts:

  1. Form: Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts come in the form of small capsules that contain a liquid formula. Each capsule is easy to swallow and dissolves quickly in the mouth.

  2. Ingredients: The liquid melts are made with the same blend of Bach Flower Remedies found in other Rescue Sleep products. This blend typically includes White Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Cherry Plum, and Rock Rose. These flower essences are chosen for their potential to ease sleep-related concerns and promote relaxation.

  3. Ease of Use: The liquid melts are designed to be taken right before bedtime. Simply place a capsule on your tongue and let it melt. There's no need for water or additional preparation.

  4. Sleep Support: Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts are formulated to provide emotional support for individuals dealing with sleep difficulties, such as racing thoughts, restlessness, nighttime stress, and anxiety.

  5. Non-Habit Forming: Like other Bach Flower Remedies, Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts are a natural and non-habit-forming remedy. They do not carry the risk of dependency associated with some sleep medications.

  6. Safe for All Ages: Bach Flower Remedies are generally considered safe for use by people of all ages, including children and the elderly. They can also be used alongside other medications or supplements.

  7. Professional Guidance: While Bach Flower Remedies are available for self-selection and use, individuals with specific sleep concerns or those seeking personalized recommendations may benefit from consulting with a Bach Flower Practitioner or healthcare professional experienced in flower essence therapy.

Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts provide a convenient and discreet way to address sleep issues and nighttime stress. They can be a suitable option for individuals looking for a natural and easy-to-administer remedy for their sleep challenges.